Of course i could write a ton about everything that has happened in the last few weeks. We went to GA to see my new niece, I went to a baby shower for one of my best friends (soon to deliver) and went again to GA for Halloween to see Audie's family.
The rest of the time I've been just working at work and working on commissioning paperwork. I just have two things left to work on and I'll be finishing one this weekend. I have to write a bible study. I'm doing it on Ruth, and I'm pretty excited about it. Hopefully it will be fairly easy to write up and i can get it done without spending the whole weekend on it.
I also am leading a worship workshop in a few weeks so i'll have to work on that as well next weekend, then hopefully i'll get to hang out and relax over thanksgiving break with my family and then do the workshop and spend december working on paperwork. I'm so ready for it to be done!! And then all i'll have to worry about is making it past the interviews in March! eek!
Ok so that's not a great update for those of you that are following my blog, but that's all i got.
hope all is well with you and yours!
Cabin Birthday Weekend
1 day ago